Are You Opening All Codes On
Time In All Of Your Switches?
Code Open Verification Tool (COVT)
ATS’ Code Open Verification Tool (COVT) ensures carriers are meeting the industry required due dates to open new codes throughout the carriers’ footprint. COVT combines modules from existing ATS intellectual tools such as SimCall and MTP to provide users with the ability to test and verify that new codes are open in the switch. The tool replaces the need for many of the current manual processes in existence today for testing that codes are open by the industry due date.
Through the use of existing SimCall modules, COVT is notified of all the codes that will be opening and which switches in the network will need to be tested. Because test lines and answer supervision capability are often not available, many codes cannot be tested as open today. The COVT tool eliminates the need for actual test lines and is capable of testing many more codes than a carrier is typically capable of doing. This provides an instant benefit to the carrier.